It finally occurred to me, today, that just because something may be God's will, it doesn't make it any easier. I think I have "known" this truth for a while, because of course I believe that obeying the call of God requires life walked down the narrow road... or through the narrow gate. "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many" Matthew 7:13. The fact that the way to destruction is easy clearly implies that the righteous path and pursuit of holiness is difficult. So many people want the easy way, thus many enter into destruction.
I guess believing and knowing isn't quite enough when you aren't living what you believe.
Like I said, it occurred to me, today, that I wasn't living what I so firmly believe.
I think that many people decide to follow Christ because they are in hope of something easier, or something that will make their life better based on terms of prosperity. I have realized that the value of God for who he is, his character, is a major factor in the Christian "faith," or l i f e. Problems occur, though, when we start to value God for his hand, and how much stuff we are given... or are too focused on the "feeling" that they think they deserve from being a Christian. That's the problem. We think we deserve... or are entitled to certain things, just because we are told that being a Christian will make us happier, or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I am happy... and I would never renounce Christianity. But, a lot people now a days just hear the words happy and better and say they are a Christian.
I am currently reading a book in my School of Worship at YWAM, Tyler, called "Think Like Jesus," by George Barna. He says this about a Christian life:
"Jesus discussed the reality with His followers, wanting the (and us) to understand that a biblical worldview does not make life easy; it makes our lives pleasing to God and personally rewarding. A life of obedience to God will not be understood or appreciated by a selfish and sinful world. Jesus warned people that obedience to God would brings on rifts with family and friends, financial struggles, public ridicule, legal hassles, death threats, imprisonment, physical attacks, unemployment, misunderstandings, and serious illness. Those who commit themselves to living in full obedience to God will also be more prominently involved in the spiritual battle for their soul. Intentionally and boldly living for God positions you as a prime target for spiritual attacks because Satan recognizes such people as a serious threat to his objectives" George Barna, Think Like Jesus.
It is clear that the way through the narrow gate is not easy.
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