Wow, outreach over in Romania has been great so far! During my time in Constanta, a friend Kyle and I ministered at the skate park almost every night. It is cool that God uses our gifts for his glory. I never thought that I would be skateboarding for the sake of the gospel. During the day, though, we were able to be a part of a "kids camp" for gypsy children. They are beautiful children of God... and it is sad to me that most of Europe is cruel to them. Fathers cannot get jobs, just because they are gypsy. Some Romanian parents will send their children to different schools, only because they do not want them around gypsies. Sad.
As a matter of fact, there were two teenage Romanian boys at the kids camp. They were not participating, they were just there watching... smirking... laughing. They asked me to come sit with them and talk... so I did. We started talking and they told me that they came to the kids camp, only to make fun and laugh. They made it very clear to me that they were not gypsy... that gypsies are bad, and they are most definitely Romanian. I asked them why they made fun, and they just said it is funny that we came to hang out with the gypsies. But, as we kept talking about this topic, one kid said "it is good you are here though, because the gypsies are happy. We have never seen them this happy... it is a good thing." He said that we make them happy, and they do not know how. Well, I know how... and who (Jesus Christ!) makes them happy. It was reassuring to me, that even these two kids, who didn't like they gypsies, noticed that we carried a presence... the Holy Spirit... the Joy of the Lord. The two boys told me that they will not make fun anymore, because of the conversation we had... they understand now.
That is the God we serve. Wow.
It is apparent how we, who call ourselves Christians, are supposed to live. Believing is not enough... having the knowledge and going to church is just not enough. We are called to live as Christ, for he was the PERFECT example for us. Paul endured suffering way beyond what most of us even dream of, and I believe it was because he was a threat to the devil. Yes, the devil caused his suffering, not God. The devil still works this way today... when he notices someone making an impact in the kingdom of God, he will do anything to thwart God's plan; financial problems, prison, disease, and even death. In reading this passage, I realized that maybe my life is not enough of a threat to the devil. Yeah, I am a "missionary," and I want to live sacrificially... but I want the devil to be scared of me. I want the devil to fear God, himself, working through my life.
It is crystal clear how we as Christians are supposed to live.
And later in Philippians 3, Paul goes on to say the he wants to "share in the sufferings of Christ, and become like him in his death." And if Paul was important enough to have his life remembered in the Word of God, the Bible... then what he says must be valid. He must have lived his life, at least, somewhat correctly! We should have this same attitude towards life... this same desire... exact same PASSION to see the Lord's kingdom come on this earth!
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