Hello... I am am sorry for not blogging for a while...!!!
These last few weeks have definitely changed my life. I realized that I have to have an unmovable faith in God... and that I just want to love people as Christ did. I have heard this scripture before, and never thought anything of it. But, God really put it on my heart the last few days.
Philippians 1:21... "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." If living is Christ, then I want nothing more than to live as Christ. If it means suffering for the glory of the Lord... then I totally want to! GOD IS ALL HE CLAIMS TO BE... so to live as He did would not be a waste. I want to experience Joy in suffering... and that IS possible through Christ. Thus, death is not a morbid experience, but a home coming!
We had a bonfire a week ago, and while we were worshiping, a girl came up to me with a word from God. She said... "COMPASSION." She said that God just told her to say that. I was so overjoyed... God had told yet another person to tell me that. WOWOW! Since I have been here at YWAM, God has really laid that on my heart... just loving the unloved, and anyone for who they are. I have been given a new level of compassion for anyone who I meet... thanks GOD!
Just recently, God told me that I need to fear Him more... and spend less time (OR NOT ANY TIME) fearing man. I struggle with this, and it limits me from stepping out in faith with a prayer or a vision or something from God. I want to be bold and know that my identity is in Christ... therefore who/what should I fear!? My friend Zach showed me this passage in John 15... it really meant a lot and gave a new level of confidence in Christ!
"If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hated you." -John 15:18-19
This next week is Ministry Prep Week. We will be spending the whole week with our outreach teams... preparing a drama, learning how to teach English... pretty much anything involving our outreach. I am excited for the drama, because I got cast as Jesus!