Friday, October 16, 2009

A heart for...

Hello! It has been a few days, but I will fill you in on the necessary information, hah!

I suppose it's about time to explain what YWAM is... YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission! It was started about 50 years ago by a guy named Loren Cunningham. God had given him a vision of thousands of young people crashing the shores of ALL THE CONTINENTS, like waves. So, he answered his call from God and started YWAM! There are a bunch of schools that YWAM offers.
I am doing a DTS right now, which stands for Discipleship Training School. The school is 5 months long and consists of two phases. The lecture phase covers the first three months... and the outreach is the last two months. In DTS, we learn go to deeper levels of commitment through studying God's word, discover more about His character, and find His purposes for the future.
Here is the YWAM website, so you can take a closer look if you'd like...

On Thursday, when we were in the prayer chapel before dinner, we had the opportunity to pray and intercede for any nation we wanted to. I instantly felt God telling me to pray for Ukraine, Russia, and Romania... which is funny, because ever since I started asking God what His plans for my life were... and which nations I had a heart for, He said those three. COOL COOL COOL! So, I prayed. It was awesome... me and my friend prayed for these nations, and we prayed hard for orphanages, and that the kids would just feel God's love!!! After we prayed, he told me that he was adopted... which was totally appropriate and amazing, because we just prayed over the importance of adoption! WOW

I just found this... it is Mark 14:29... when Jesus predicts Peter's denial... Jesus tells Peter in verse 27, "All of you will desert me." Peter replies to Jesus in 29... "EVEN IF EVERYONE ELSE DESERTS YOU, I NEVER WILL." So even though Peter does end up denying Jesus three times... that is not the point, here.
I WANT to follow Christ and His plan for my life... and even if everyone deserts Jesus... I won't! It feels good to say that...!

I love you Mom, Dad, Josh, Emily, and Elona! I miss you guys...

Please pray for me... thanks.


  1. Joey, I am so GLAD that you want to follow Christ and His plan for your life. As you would say, "Cool, Cool, Cool!" You know I also love eastern european countries!!! It is fun to read you blog updates, thanks for sharing your heart. I miss you ... we all do!


  2. Oops, I meant to say ... it is fun to read youR blog updates. Sorry for the typo. I guess it is too late for me to write. Love you!!!
