Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This is my first blog!

Hello, I now live in Tyler, Texas at the YWAM base... i have been here for a little over a week. I should have started a blog right away... because I have so much to write about. Thanks to my mom, though, I now have a blog haha!!!

Everything about YWAM is awesome, and I love it here. I really don't know how else to describe it! I love my classes and I love the friends I have made so far. It is weird to think that I have only been here a week... because my friendships are so strong already. I know God is constantly trying to get my attention, and since I've been here, I feel like he is saying, "Now I have you right where I want you," because I have fewer distractions and all I can do is listen to what he has to say. And, I am amazed, because for the first time in my life... I actually like to read!

If you could, just pray for me in general, that my love for reading would increase... and that my mind will be free of distractions ALL THE TIME, that would be awesome! Oh, and morning class today was awesome! It was about how Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and that He is full of compassion and love... Jesus embodies compassion. I really enjoyed this.


  1. I cant wait to here more!!!! I am so glad you love it, I knew you would ha. Make sure you write more soon.

  2. Joey,
    I love you and I am thrilled that you love YWAM. Keep writing about your adventures with God and I will read! I'm always praying for you!
